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Laura Widman, PhD

Welcome to the website of Dr. Laura Widman and the
Teen Health Lab at North Carolina State University!
Dr. Widman's research is focused on understanding and improving adolescent health, with an emphasis on sexual communication skill development. Her recent research incorporates digital technologies to deliver health programming to teens and families.
Dr. Widman is an author on the bestselling undergraduate textbook in human sexuality, Our Sexuality. She is also the founder of Teen Health Research, a woman-owned small business on a mission to modernize adolescent sex education.
Note to prospective graduate students: Dr. Widman will be accepting graduate student applications this year. Please click this link to learn more about the Applied Social Psychology doctoral program. I look forward to reviewing your application!
Note to undergraduate students: The Teen Health Lab is full for Spring 2025. If you are interested in a position for Fall 2025, please complete this application and email it to Dr. Widman in March. I strongly encourage sophomores and juniors to apply!

Contact Information:
Dr. Laura Widman
Professor of Psychology
Department of Psychology
NC State University
640 Poe Hall, Campus Box 7460
Raleigh NC, 27695
Meet our amazing grad students and undergraduate research assistants!

Check out our current projects to see what the Teen Health Lab has been working on this year!
Conflict of Interest Statement: Dr. Widman has equity ownership in Teen Health Research, Inc., a small business which is developing products related to the research from Dr. Widman's research lab at NC State University. The terms of this arrangement have been reviewed and approved by NC State University in accordance with its policy on objectivity in research.
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